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ѡɳ кػ繻ѭ

Can.1513 $1. The joinder of issues(contestatio litis) occurs when the terms of the controversy based on the petitions and responses of the parties are specified by the decree of the judge.

$2. The petitions and responses of the parties, besides those in the libellus introducing the suit, can be expressed either in response to the citation or in a declaration made orally before the judge; in more difficult cases, however, the parties are to be called together by the judge to specify the question or questions to be  answered in the sentence.

$3. The decree of the judge is to be made known to the parties; unless they have already reached an agreement, they can within ten days make recourse to that judge that it be changed; however, the issue is to be resolved as quickly as possible by a decree of that judge.

Can.1514 Once the terms of the controversy have been determined, they cannot validly be changed except for a serious reason through a new decree at the request of one party and after hearing the other parties and considering their reasons.

Can.1515 Once the joinder of the issues (contestatio litis) has occurred, the possessor of anothers property ceases to be in good faith; if therefore, the possessor is sentenced to make restitution, the profits made from the day of the joinder of issues (contestatio litis) must also be returned and any damages compensated.

Can.1516 Once the joinder of issues(contestatio litis) has occurred, the judge is to furnish the parties suitable time to present and complete proofs.

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